Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sick of being sick

You know those days, where your head feels like it will explode, you can't breathe, your chest hurts, your body aches all over, you can't stop coughing... that's been my life for the last three days. I thought I'd be over it by today. No such luck. Its something that's been going around work, except they've all been over it by the third day. I think I might have an ear infection or something as well - my right ear feels really sore, my balance is more shoddy than usual - ick.

This morning, I woke up optimistic. I'll be fine today! Then I sat up. It literally felt as though someone hit me across the face then and there. And sat on my chest. I'm now struggling to move without pain. It even hurts to move my fingers. I HATE being sick!

I really feel like cooking something, for whatever strange reason that is. I also have a strange desire to go to a pub (where I don't work, nor have ever worked) and sit there. I don't want to drink, or go out to dinner, I just want to watch other people doing my job. Sadastic huh?

I blame being sick on my glasses. I got new glasses last Wednesday. I was fine until then. It's only been since I got the glasses that I've gotten sick. Or maybe I should blame the dogs - I have to go out in the cold to feed them at night. Or it's Zack's fault. Or my bosses. Either way, it's not fair, and it's not my fault!

Childish moment huh? Why the hell not.

I'm actually going to cook something tonight, I'm going to make my Chicken carbonara, and post photos, and the recipe, and all. :) Why not?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Why bother?

Some family I have. I stick my neck out for one of them who has someone posting shit all over facebook about him supposedly threatening them with a knife. I asked the little bitch to remove it, as it was defamation, and I don't want that kind of crap out there about my brother. How does he thank me? By hanging up on me, then writing crap all over photos of my dogs.

The other one... well. There are issues there that I have been putting up with for a long time. I cop abuse, and crap, all the time. Smart arse comments from his girlfriend about the uni course I'm doing, that the only reason I'm doing my course is because she did one similar to it, bullshit 'advice' that I don't need about things that she has NO IDEA about. I put up with this crap, time and time again, and don't say a damn thing to him because I'm the sort of person who believes you Don't do that to your brother. She's his choice, I've got to live with that. What I don't have to live with is crap from him about giving her shit.

Nor do I have to put up with nasty comments left all over facebook.

There were more on a couple of photos that I deleted before I saved, calling me a camel. Thanks bro. Bet I know who's great idea THOSE comments were.

I'm sick of it. I never fucking bother with people I don't give a damn about, so they can BOTH go to hell, and he can take his girlfriend with him.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Red Velvet


Now that's out of my system, I feel slightly better. I still want one though. From what I've found on the internet though, I can't buy a half dozen here in Perth without ordering a whole dozen or more a month in advance. And I have no time to cook any, provided that I can find all the ingredients in the recipe that Viv so kindly sent me.

So, I guess I'm going to continue to want one for the next god-knows-how-long it takes me to save up some dollars and order a dozen from the website I found! I guess I'll have to clear up some freezer space too, so that I can freeze those that won't get eaten in the first half hour of their arrival!

Uni is nearly over for semester one - wow. I'm one semester down, only 7 left to go. Well, actually, it's probably going to be 8 since I can't pick up another minor unit next semester to catch me back up. Yikes. Scary thought, that. But even through the stress, I've had fun. I've made some new friends, who will hopefully carry over the rest of Uni at least. Knowing my luck, though, they're not going to hang around. I'm a little on the weird side, I will admit.

Stress... wow... I wish I'd known how to deal with that a bit better. I managed to delete half of my final big EDU essay (worth 60% of my final marks for the unit) at 10pm the night before I had to hand it in. The entirety of my introduction, my references, plus another two paragraphs from the body. I had emailed what I'd written, mostly the body, to a friend of mine to check my grammar and layout. When she emailed it back to me, I opened a 'read only' copy, and finished my essay in that read only copy. I then closed it. I lost all of it. Well, all that I'd just typed up. I could still get into the email to get what Elle had emailed back to me.

I sat in shock for about 10 minutes. Then the panic set it. I looked through the entire computer system, every file and folder I could find. Then, I lost it. I sat there, crying my eyes out. Monty and Pirate were looking at me, wondering what they'd done wrong. I couldn't move for another ten minutes. It was the worst feeling of my life. All the work I did on the assignment, I felt it was all for nothing.

I tried to start rewriting straight away. BIG mistake. I couldn't have written how to walk up the stairs, let alone rewrite an introduction, and everything else that I'd lost. So, finally remembering what my high school teachers had taught me, I stopped entirely. I watched an episode of 'Glee' that I'd downloaded. I forgot all about it. Then I started the rewrite.

I know it was no way near as good as the first one I'd written, but I did what I could, and now there is nothing I can do to change what was done. This was last Thursday, a week ago, that I handed my essay in. That same Thursday, I was pulled up on the way to the Inspection Site to get an extension on my car's defect notice. I didn't have the paperwork, so I was given a $600 fine and 3 demerit points. I also managed to tear my little toe back to the bone. It was NOT a good day.

But anyway, that'll do for now. I guess I went a bit overboard with the ranting. Meh. It's my life, my opinions, and my values that matter to me. You don't like it? I don't care.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Don't Hide behind Anonymous

Well, my last blog received more attention than I expected. One sentence, and I get people blowing up at me! I don't particularly care if you think I'm racist, I'm not. I have great respect for those from ANY background who try their best to suceed at life. I don't care for those who rort the system, sit around drinking and smoking, on the dole, when they could be out working.

I have NEVER received Centrelink payments for ANYTHING and believe those who do just because they can should be made to work for it.

Good news for this week though - my car is now booked in to be fixed! 8th of June I will be officially carless for a week, and will get my ute back good as new!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Web Hosting
Web Hosting

Long time...

Wow, it's been longer than I thought since my last posting! I've moved house, thank god that's over. The suburb I'm now living in, Maddington, isn't the best one. We live near the train station, in a suburb that's full of Homes West (commission housing) houses, where there are usually a group of coons hanging out at the station asking everyone if they have 'a coupla dollars so I can call my bros', or 'gots a smoke?'. GREAT neighbourhood!

Although, its all my fault. I chose the house, so therefore I'm to blame. It's not that bad, I mean, the house is secure, it has a security system (if I cared to learn how to use it), and there are two dogs here. Ok, they're Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, but they still bark if someone shows up. Just because they are not inclined to try to eat the person, does not mean they aren't good alert dogs.

I'm currently watching one of them 'make the bed'. Monty holds part of the doona in his mouth, scratches the hell out of it until it sits where he wants it to, then lays down NEXT to where he was 'making' it! He's such a character!

Monty is not, in fact, my dog. Monty belongs to Zack. Monty acts like Zack, gets upset if Zack does not give him his full attention, tries to sleep on Zack's pillow, and basically follows him around everywhere. Monty is Zack's dog, through and through. Except for about 15 minutes every day. At feeding time, Monty is my dog.

Worst part of this story is that Pirate believes he is Zack's dog too. I feed them both! I give them attention! Why do they naturally gravitate towards him??

Monty is on the left, Pirate is on the right... they are my darlings though, whoever they believe they belong to!

I've noticed that many of the people I follow on this blog thing include recipes in their blogs. I've decided to include one:

Best Ever Chicken Pizza

All you need is a telephone and a credit card!

Call Kenwick Dial-a-Pizza, order chicken pizza (without capsicum).
Wait for it to be delivered!
This only works if you live near Kenwick in Perth lol

Ok, I know, not really a recipe, but they seriously have the best ever Pizzas!

Well... that's about enough of my rambling for the time being.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

New House!

We did it, we were approved on the house! Its a downgrade, in many ways, but when you need somewhere to go, anything will do!

Its not a bad house, just very old-school. There is no open plan anything. Every room has its own room, if you understand what I mean. One long hallway down the centre (which reminds me, I need to put up a mirror above the back door, feng shui and all that!), two HUGE bedrooms, one sleepout, a kitchen (very small unfortunately), dining room, tiny bathroom (but at least its an indoor toilet, unlike one of the other houses I looked at!)... Lounge room is a decent size too. There used to be a fireplace there, but it was built in years ago, and the fireplace was turned into a wall-mounted TV stand...

Strangely, they put a power point in the centre of the old fireplace... I can't understand the logic of some people... But hey, its cheaper than the house we are leaving, its 200 metres from a train station, just off the highway, and closer to a few mates. AND it has an oven. The current house does not. Strange that.