Monday, April 5, 2010

catching up...

Ok, after all the busy-ness (I know, I don't even think that is a word!) of the weekend, I finally have two minutes to sit and think, and catch up with myself.

Thursday Night: Lady Gaga Concert... oh my god... She is one of the best live performers I have ever seen, or heard about. The entire concert was a theatrical performance, it had a story, it had smoke machines, fire fountains, 'the fountain of youth', monsters, cars, trees... and that's just the start of it! I absolutely love Pink, and after I saw her concert last year, I didn't believe that I would ever see anything to top it. Lady Gaga made Pink's concert look like a backyard bbq sing-a-long... Highly recommended to everyone... although I do believe that it should have been an 18+ event only.

Friday night: I went to a dancing workshop for a bit of fun. It was a lapdancing workshop, and I realised that I have little to no flexibility! But I had a blast, even though I fell off a chair! It's not something I am every going to use in life, I have no inclination to become a stripper (or 'exotic dancer')... it was just something I did for a laugh, and also because nothing was open on the first Friday night I have had off in a long time.

Saturday night: I worked. It was a flat out night, but all of us waitresses wore bunny rabbit ears, and you can't help but smile when you have 12-inch ears on top of your head! We took a photo out the back, only to realise afterwards that you can see the 'Player' (TAB) sign in the background! We all lost it, but it was a great night.

Sunday night: I went on a cruise! My 'West Australian' Mum talked myself and my housemate into coming on an Easter Cruise, left at 7pm, got back in at around 10pm. It was awesome! I love being on boats, and I had a really good time. After the cruise, Zack (my housemate for those who don't know!) and I decided on a whim that going to the Strippers was a good idea. Funnily enough, he fell in love with the 'Easter Bunny' (one of the dancers). I did too, but only because she gave me chocolate!

Then today happened... I slept until 12... I was meant to start work at 12... oops. I called the boss, he said just to get there as soon as possible. He wasn't mad, mainly because Monday's aren't usually that busy. After I got there though, it got busy. On Mondays, only myself and Deb work the lunch shift, where there are usually 3 people rostered on other days. We normally get out at 2.15, 2.30 at the latest... we didn't get out until 3pm. Not that much of a problem, means a bit more money in my next pay cheque, but I am so tired after last night. Then again, that's my own fault!

So, I am now on a break from work (I have to go back in at 5.45 today, won't get home til about 11), and I should really be doing my catch up study for uni (it's due tomorrow) but I think I might have another snooze and pull an all nighter tonight. What can it hurt? I have No Doze in the cupboard!

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